
Tuesday, July 2, 2019

New beginnings and a fresh view...

To get to my new job, I take a slightly longer route each morning so I can drive past
the filtration ponds (known locally as the "poo ponds") and see the sun rise.
Then when I turn left I can see the mountains in the distance.
I missed the mountains the most when we left Rolleston a year ago
(how was that only a year ago?)

The strangest thing though, is that you cannot see any of the city.
Just the road I am on and the mountains far away.
It's a refreshing perspective, and a reminder I value as I start every day.

This last month I have been striving to live life like that. 
Keeping my eye on the prize and trying not to focus on all the things in between.
We were mostly successful really. 
We managed to pack up our whole house,
store some of the children's precious things in the attic
and my books in the attic at work.

After all the sorting, we still did end up with a truck load of stuff, 
but we discovered that if you give all your precious possessions a ride in a truck
and pile them outside at the required destination;
that it is far far easier to get rid of them.

To say we decluttered is an understatement.

And now Annie and I have mixed our treasures together,
we have Marie Kondo'd our clothes to the enth degree
and we have played jenga with the possessions we decided to keep.

In the kitchen, Chrissy and I merged our resources together,
keeping the best of both kitchens. Making a space where we can work together
and find everything we want close to hand.

Jacob carried out a mighty mission in the garage.
The camping gear that we absolutely could not part with is now stacked up neatly.
We were not ready to part with all that yet.
We hope to have some more camping adventures in the next few years.

And now here we all are, blending our lives together.
It's so lovely to be able to work together
and the household is running so smoothly so far.
Even all our pets are getting on at this point, long may it continue.

I think as long as we keep our eyes on the big picture
and don't focus on the little things that may annoy us in time,
we will all be able to live happily together until life
moves us on to another stage.

But first, rest and recovery and some catching up of study!


  1. Hooray! Good work you. Such a massive task.

  2. Absolutely brilliant. You did it. You and Annie. I understand all that you are going through. All the emotions and pain. You will all get on so well and the Pets. And you can go forward.
    I had to move on my own, to live on my own. KEEP GOING GIRL., YOU ARE DOING FABULOUSLY. I would like to send you a card. You can always PM on Instagram. Hugs. Anne.


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