
Sunday, June 16, 2019

The Encouragement Project

Recently I have been lucky enough to be part of the encouragement project
which is being trialed by my friend Abraham.

Abraham does these photos on Instagram and it always
makes me happy to see them.

(By the way Abraham is married to the fabulous Rhiannon
who makes the dresses I wear. Between them they are
a beautiful pair of amazingly talented creative
humble people.)

Anyway back to the encouragement project.
As part of the project, we had to tell Abraham what our goals
are that we were working towards.

Now I am have a pretty stressful year, as it turns out
and both of the times I have been part of the trial,
have been extra extra stressful for some reason.

I absolutely loved getting the texts from Abraham in the morning,
it make my heart warm to know that someone 
cared enough to send me a text. 

I learned a whole lot about myself through the project.
I learned that I am pretty motivated actually and I already
work consistently at my goals.

But what I really needed was encouragement
to be able to acknowledge to myself that I was doing great.
To keep going and to not be discouraged.

This last time I don't think I meet my goals,
but I did a whole lot of other things that were all vital in moving forward.
The texts from Abraham were a huge encouragement
to keep going, to not give up and, most importantly
to take a moment to acknowledge that actually I'm doing great.

For me the encouragement project is a success.
When Abraham runs the program for real, I will be signing up,
you can't really put a value on having someone
remind you that moving forward is not easy
but absolutely worth it.

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